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Solo travel was the best decision Ive ever made. Glad to see you are still enjoying it and taking all the ups and downs in stride. These times will pay memory dividends for life!

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So cool to see what you’re building all while traveling the world. Enjoy London!

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I was reading through the whole thing thinking, but what about the wallet??!! Seriously man, that sucks. What the heck do you do in a foreign country in that circumstance?

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Loved reading about your personal values. They very much resonated with me.

After reading them, I think you would really enjoy visiting Mexico City. If you haven't already. Especially neighborhoods Condesa & Roma - first oasis in a city that I've ever found.

Lot of super cute modern cafes, co-working spaces surrounded by beautiful greenery, gyms with organic restaurants attached, library cafes, artists, creativity, live music, outdoor dance classes at parks, etc. etc. If you haven't spent a lot of time in CDMX yet, I highly recommend you pop in for a visit!! Of course, let me know when you do. :)

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Still reading. Bounced out to say 5* to your Humans of the world project!

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