Greetings from Tokyo!
On the Agenda
(Travel) Kyoto / Osaka
(Essay) On Intuition
(Personal) My Love Life
(Personal) What I Look For in a Woman
(Film Review) Blue Lock ⚽️
(Biz Update) Logo / HQ
(Essay) Facebook & Snapchat
(Bonus) Advice for Creators
(Bonus) Social Media Done Well
One Year of Travel, New Year New Me Series ✈️🌍
Leo is spending 12 months in 12 countries on his “One Year of Travel, New Year New Me”® challenge. So far he’s lived in Bali, Portugal, Vietnam, South Africa, Argentina, Colombia, Australia, Japan (in that order). Follow along!
1. Kyoto / Osaka
I can quickly “get a sense of a city”, so I booked two <24hrs scouting trips to Kyoto and Osaka, the two former capitals of Japan.
On the way, I took the bullet train (called “Shinkansen”) which travels at up to 320 km/h (200 mph).
I bought an “Ekiben” or “train station bento box”:
I saw Mt. Fuji from my window:
Here’s a typical street in Kyoto:
A “geisha”?
Eating some “Monaka” ice cream:
And Matcha too:
Kyoto is known for its temples:
Verdict: I'd rate Kyoto a C Tier city, meaning I personally would not live here but I would go there to visit a person or place.
Osaka is known for Shōtengai, or “shopping streets”:
Taking a Japanese class (+ dinner afterward):
Osaka at Night:

Verdict: I'd rate Osaka an A Tier city, meaning if I were to live in Japan I'd probably spend 25-75% of my time in Osaka (the rest in Tokyo).
Back to Tokyo:
Living in a capsule hotel:

Getting brunch with my friend Ako:
Friendships are worth investing in. So I’m creating a habit of visiting Ako once a year. She lives in beautiful Sapporo, Japan ❄️— so maybe we’ll go snowboarding in the wintertime 🏂
Attending my second dance class:
Having fun at a trance party without being drunk:
A shower thought:
The more I travel, the less I feel pressured to go see places. As I start to understand my own preferences— this erratic "tourist mindset" fades. I’m a lifestyle traveler. I need my coffee shop, my gym, my place to work, to sleep. I love to be surrounded by people in big cities. I’m not so much an outdoors person & the last thing I want to do is go hiking or sit on a beach. For me happiness is everything and I will fight for the lifestyle I want to live.
Lastly, Thanks @Zach for the kind words ❤️
"What first captured me about Leo was the fullness and depth of his presence. Not distracted or elsewhere, but fully and completely there—focused and aware. I can also say confidently that he is one of the most dynamic and driven people I’ve met so far this year. More than all this, my first impression of Leo was that he is someone I could trust. Not only does he speak his mind with confidence, directness, and clarity—but he also listens skillfully and with great care. This combo immediately facilitated a reciprocal exchange of ideas and insights between us. It seems that there are no half-measures in his life and pursuits, he thinks big and backs it up with big action. I’ve left every interaction with Leo with the distinct impression that he brings all of himself to all that he does.”
2. On Intuition
I have a Type B personality. Everyone who knows me would describe me as easygoing. What’s the difference?
Being easygoing doesn’t mean I don’t care; it just means I’m flexible with options. When I say “whatever you want”— I tend to mean it literally.
Gidon (my co-founder) once remarked “Put Leo anywhere and he’ll fit in. From Argentina to Japan.” It’s true! I’ve always been great at getting along with people. I rarely have enemies or interpersonal problems.
America loves Type A personalities. These are the people who will work super hard to get that promotion. They are competitive and motivated.
I’m really the opposite. A lot of competition bores me. And office politics put me to sleep. I can’t be bothered with “ticking things off a checklist” or “maintaining a schedule”.
For example, here’s my Calendar for the upcoming week:

I get a ton of stuff done.
I just don’t do it in the way you’d expect (especially if you watch “productivity” videos).
But first you have to understand the concept of “intuition”:
Intuition (n.): It feels right, but I don’t exactly know why or where it’s going to lead.
From Isabel:
“Intuitive” decisions have defined my life. Actions that don't make sense on paper yet feel right in the moment.
Paying $7,000 for an online writing course?
People think I’m nuts
Quitting my job after 10 weeks?
People say: "give it a few more years"
Flying 72k miles in 7 months?
People say it’s not cost-effective
Having friends over 50 years old?
People think I’m weird
Working for free?
People say I’m getting taken advantage of
I prioritize personal happiness. I live loose. I prefer informal trust over formal contracts. I find that busyness is often a mask for insecurity. I’d rather be a happy barista than an unhappy software developer. I’d enjoy being a housekeeper as much as being an entrepreneur. I care less about what others think of me & more about what I want to do.
My co-founders are the same. You can’t “force” them to do anything. The things they do they do because of they choose to. As soon as they “have to do something”— they get depressed. They like to joke: “We went from best friends to business partners. Now we only call each other M-F 9-5.” 😂
People already know what they want — or at least they know what they don’t want.
“I don’t want to go to work on Monday”.
“I don’t want to be in this relationship.”
“I don’t want to feel depressed.”
Since people don’t realize they can change these things— they stick it out. Then they rationalize their misery by making excuses.
When I hear “I have no time” or “I’m too busy” — what I really hear is “This is not important enough to me” — which is fine! Not everything you can do you should do! However, if something is important enough to you, then you will make time for it.
Example: If your house is burning down, you’re not going to sit in your study and say “Sorry I’m too busy to leave the house.”
Example: If you get a call saying your daughter got hit in a car accident & is now in the hospital, then you’ll leave that work meeting to make sure she’s okay.
Then make it.
Or borrow it.
Or don’t complain.
What’s the issue?
Most people won’t call you out on this, as it is a “sensitive topic”. But I’m not “most people” so I will.
There’s a big difference between “chemical imbalance” & being biologically depressed” vs “saying you’re depressed because your life sucks”.
If you’re in the latter category, then really it’s up to you to fix it. There’s nothing more lame than using “mental health” as an excuse— because that then becomes the crutch that stops you from getting out of the hole.
The answer?
Social pressure from peers and family.
My friends would judge me
My parents wouldn’t approve
My boss wouldn’t approve
The solution?
Make your own decisions and take accountability for the consequences of those decisions. This is the 🔑 to happiness!!
“People don’t regret the choices they made; they regret the choices they could’ve made but didn’t.”
Now to answer the original question .. How does a Type B personality get stuff done? For me there are two ways…
Urgency. I’m super good at responding to urgent requests. Lights a fire inside of me. You can say it “turns me on”.
Certainty. I do things only if I believe I can. When I’m “Building a Billion Dollar Business”® — that’s exactly what I think I’m doing.
3. My Love Life
I love people
But I’d rather walk this Earth alone than feel confined.
I’m a practical romantic.
If a girl is not showing me the right signals, then I drop it.
I don’t chase negative energy.
I don’t choose what isn’t choosing me.
What if they’re a match for you
But you’re not a match for them?
Lost a parent at a young age?
Your parents don’t support you?
Create your own family.
Create your own life.
4. What I Look For In A Woman
I wanna be in your life until the night is over I wanna hold you so tight, so tight, come in closer It's been a hell of a ride for every single moment You were there by my side Whenever I'm broken, you make me feel whole Whenever I'm lonely, you're there for my soul Wherever you are, girl, that's where I call my home Whenever you doubt it, I'll be lеttin' you know Woah, girl, I want to be dancin' with you forever You see through thе storm and take me as I am Baby, it's magic any time that we're together I make, I just love you and hold you for my hand
Source: Burna Boy & Ed Sheeran
5. Blue Lock Film Review 🎬
Anime has the best character development. They know “hyperbole shines a light on reality” so they exaggerate features. Each 20-minute episode is packed with depth.
Blue Lock is about soccer. Athletes team up & compete to be the best. Everyone has a superpower that they first must recognize (0 to 1) and then perfect (1 to 100).
I’d like to share some character spotlights. Let me know who you resonate with the most!
1. Bachira
Soccer: Dribbling
Personal: Cheerful & has fun while playing
2. Kunigami
Soccer: Mid-range shot
Personal: Self-assured, noble
3. Isagi
Soccer: Spatial awareness
Personal: Strategic, sees pieces of the puzzle
4. Barou
Soccer: Power
Personal: Disciplined, “king of the field”
5. Nagi
Soccer: Ball control
Personal: Talented but can’t be bothered most of the time
Guess who’s my personal favorite 😃. And tell me yours!!
Building a Billion-Dollar Business Series 📺🍿
Leo is “Building a Billion-Dollar Business”® while doing his “One Year of Travel, New Year New Me”®. He is currently founding a technology startup which he hopes will be the largest in the world. Follow along!
Table of Contents
Logos (Hot off the press! 🔥)
I put a designer on the logo.
She sent me her first iterations:
Obviously we have a ways to go, but this is a part of the process!
Business Development in Tokyo
I’m still recruiting developers when I can.
This was at a technology meetup at a bar:
Fundraising Plans
After Japan, I’m flying to Madrid to link up with my co-founders. We’ll be leasing an office space so we can work together.
In May we’ll hit the “Go Button” on fundraising.
Meanwhile is just preparation work.
My friend Kyle — who is “interning” for us — is helping us put together a list of potential investors and candidates:
Interview Question
Here’s a question I plan to ask software engineer candidates:
Q: How would you create a “For You” page?
For reference, a “For You” page is a curated feed of posts.
Some acceptable answers:
sourcing (% following vs % not-following, interest-mapping)
filtering (past engagements, ad clicks, previously seen)
scoring (feed diversity, verified boost, engagement prediction)
7. Facebook & Snapchat
The “Creator Economy” is the fastest-moving industry.
Today I’m going to talk about two apps that you probably haven’t heard of in a while.
Every platform competes for attention. And when you have large cash reserves (👋 Facebook, Snapchat) — you’re willing to pay for it.
The Food Ranger — one of the creators we work with — earns $200k a month from Facebook ad revenue alone!
Another opportunity is Snapchat.
“Many creator interviews revealed that Snapchat is paying them the most amount of money to stay on the platform.”
Snapchat just released “Discover Shows”— 3-minute series broken up into seasons.
I’ll share a million-dollar idea (for readers of Leo’s Lemonade only 😎):
💡 Hire a video editor to repurpose YouTubers’ long-form videos into 3-minute Snapchat shows. Monetize off the ad money and do a revenue-share with your creators.
That’s what we’re doing at Delka. Why wouldn’t we? It’s a 7-figure revenue opportunity for us.
8. Advice for Content Creators
Be you
Now is the best time to be yourself.
We’re undergoing the personalization of media. Whereas millions used to tune in to Walter Cronkite on the CBS Evenings News— now each person has their own unique feeds— based on their preferences, interests, and circles.
ChatGPT commoditizes “generic” media. AI will write an article “5 Tips to Get An Internship” better than you can & in 2 seconds. So what can’t AI replace?
The Personal — Make it about you. The “content” can be the same but the fact that it’s coming from you— instantly makes it unique. I encourage everyone to post under their own name or pseudonym.
Human Ingenuity — Creativity is increasingly becoming the scarce resource. Lean into it and you will be rewarded.
Focus on quality
Quality is a measure defined by your audience.
Chronological feeds will forever be dead. Algorithms will prioritize the most engaging & contextually-relevant content.
Quality wins over the long run. The best YouTubers make the best videos. (Don’t believe me? You try making a MrBeast video — good luck).
Post. Post again
If you don’t post anything, then people don’t know you exist. Posting regularly is the best way to build a relationship with your audience.
Posting leads you to opportunities & will help you with whatever you’re trying to do.
Sticking to one platform is no longer the optimal strategy. Why? Because your current & potential audience is spread out over multiple platforms. Post everywhere.
While the US is discussing a “TikTok ban”— ByteDance just released Lemon8, a TikTok competitor.
Short-form videos will always be 🔥🔥. Every major platform now supports them:
Repurposing content across different platforms will be a useful skill. Each platform has its nuances so understand them.
9. Social Media Done Well
Case #1: We’re Not Really Strangers
“We're Not Really Strangers is a purpose driven card game and movement all about empowering meaningful connections. Three carefully crafted levels of questions and wildcards that allow you to deepen your existing relationships and create new ones.”
5 Signs You’re Ready For Love:
Case #2: Lionsgate
Lionsgate — the mega Hollywood studio — is chopping up their 2hr movies into 15-second clips and reposting them as memes onto TikTok. If you’re interested in this type of job, know that it’s available :)
How my grandparents say they got to school every day:
📊 Metrics: 37.9M impressions, 838.2k likes, 2,389 comments, 31.8k shares
Case #3: Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources
Rachel Terlep is a Senior Social Media Manager at the Washington State Department of Natural Resources. She does a great job promoting the mission of the organization while following an "entertain first, educate second” philosophy.
✅ Relatable & funny
✅ Popular with their audience
📊 Metrics — 17.7k retweets, 1,314 quotes, 160.3k likes, 1,785 bookmarks
After the Houston Astros beat the Seattle Mariners 8-7 in a close game on Oct 10th:
✅ Contextually relevant
✅ Popular with the Washington fanbase
✅ Serves the mission — reminds hikers to throw things in the trash.
📊 Metrics — 3,480 retweets, 605 quotes, 25.4k likes, 209 bookmarks
During the Summer 2022 Kate Bush “Running Up That Hill” craze:
✅ Contextually relevant
✅ Serves the mission — teaches people how to be safe during a tsunami
📊 Metrics — 5,406 retweets, 562 quotes, 65.4k likes, 718 bookmarks
In addition, they provided an excellent CTA in the follow-up tweet — a link to tsunami evacuation maps for people along the coast.
And for those who don’t want to click the link, they made an 'image’ version available, along with an Alt text version for accessibility reasons.
That’s all for today! Thanks for reading, Have a great week, and feel free to drop me a line on WhatsApp +1 978 844 1678)
Leo A
If you’re new here, welcome to Leo’s Lemonade! My name is Leo Ariel, and I am a World Traveler, Writer, Entrepreneur, Marketer and Mentor.
Every week I write a postcard to you from wherever I am in the world. I generally like to share travel tips, business ideas, personal essays, and mundane observations from life.
My readers have previously enjoyed Why Did Amazon Pay Me $170k/yr to Update a Wiki Page?, Growing Up in an Asian American Household, and Top 5 Life Advice for 23 Year Olds.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would leave a comment. It motivates me to write more of these :)
I really enjoyed this share: "The more I travel, the less I feel pressured to go see places. As I start to understand my own preferences— this erratic "tourist mindset" fades. I'm a lifestyle traveler. I need my coffee shop, my gym, my place to work, to sleep. I love to be surrounded by people in big cities. I’m not so much an outdoors person as the last thing I want to do is go hiking or sit on a beach. For me happiness is everything and I’ll fight for the lifestyle I want to live."
You’re hitting your stride in a big way. This issue in particular really feels special, very inspiring and thought provoking. I especially like your shower thought, and I feel the same way.